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About Us

The neon knights

Team 1422 was founded in 2004 in Clovis, California at CART, the Center for Advanced Research and Technology. The team continued to be solely affiliated with CART until 2011 when it began to merge with team 3296, the Screaming Eagles of Clovis West High School. It was in 2013 when the Screaming Eagles fully merged with CART's team, forming a joint-school team of Neon Knights. Since 2015, the Neon Knights have been solely affiliated with Clovis West High School. Now, between 25 and 35 members and a year our 2 mentors work together to participate in the FIRST robotics competition.


Our mission

Our team strives to inspire young people to become science and technology leaders and innovators, by engaging them in exciting mentor-based programs. We teach science, engineering, and technology skills, such as programming; CADing; and fabrication, that inspire innovation, and foster well-rounded life capabilities including self-confidence, communication, and leadership. We introduce students to a multitude of career pathways ranging from business management to mechanical engineering. Our team also strives to promote the values of FIRST: cooperation and gracious professionalism. Furthermore, we seek to develop valuable life skills through team membership, public speaking, and community outreach. 

Meet The Team

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